Posts in Announcement
ECC 2020 has been cancelled.

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of the 2020 NJENA Emergency Care Conference. For 41 years, the New Jersey Emergency Nurses Association has presented the largest volunteer-run emergency nursing conference. We pride ourselves on providing a robust line up of nationally recognized speakers, opportunities to network with a wide range of vendors and, most importantly, time for attendees to network with fellow ED nurses from around the country.

Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID -19 and its impact on our attendees, speakers and exhibitors, we feel as though we would not have been able to provide participants the conference experience everyone expects when attending ECC. As a professional organization, our first responsibility is to the health and safety of our members. As leaders in our field, we understand the importance of being present and engaged where the community needs us, which is at the bedside.

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