Message From the President
Heather Linsalata, 2020 New Jersey Emergency Nurses Association President
2020 is the Year of NJENA
New Jersey Emergency Nurses Association,
2020 is here! With a new decade, brings new changes to the NJENA.
At the end of last year, we sent out a Membership Engagement Survey to find out how the NJENA can better serve you as members. Thank you to those who participated in the survey! We hope to be able to use this information to plan meaningful events based on what you as the members are interested in.
This year we will be focused on improving visibility and technology. We are in the process of upgrading to a new and improved website. Our goals are to provide you with frequent and accessible updates so you can participate in more NJENA events, making the most of your membership.
We are excited for the 42nd Annual NJENA Emergency Care Conference in Atlantic City, NJ. This year we celebrate not only the 50th Anniversary of the Emergency Nurses Association but also have an advance screening of ENA’s movie “In Case of Emergency,” featuring two of our own nurses from NJ! If you have not registered already, head over to
I would like to thank all of the members that make up NJENA. Each of you play an important part in making our state organization so special. From TNCC/ENPC instructors to conference planners to members who support chapter events, everyone’s contribution matters. I hope 2020 brings a renewed engagement for our membership.
I encourage you to reach out to myself or anyone on the Executive Board with suggestions for this upcoming year. I am honored to be your 2020 NJENA President and look forward to continue to strengthen and grow the organization in the next year.
Heather Linsalata, MSN, RN, CNL, CEN, TCRN, CPEN