2021 Board of Directors Candidates
The 2021 NJENA Board of Directors candidates are listed below. The election will occur online from October 1-14 and winners will be announced on October 15th. Please take time to review their bios and learn more about them. You will also have the opportunity to meet them (virtually) and ask questions at the September NJENA member forum on 9/15/2020 at 6pm!
Gregory S. Zanone
My name is Greg Zanone. I've been an Emergency Nurse for 10 years and an ENA member since I was a student nurse. I currently work as a board certified flight and transport nurse for a large healthcare organization where I work with and interface with various emergency departments and hospitals throughout New Jersey. As the years have gone by I have increased my participation in NJENA and continue to recognize the value and importance of a professional organization representing Emergency Nurses. My reason for joining the executive board is to continue supporting this amazing community and to ensure its continued success.
Marvella Cephas
My name is Marvella Cephas; I am a certified emergency department nurse with 32 years of nursing experience and an active member of the Emergency Nurses Association. In 1988 earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from The College of New Jersey and in 2010 a master's degree from Drexel University. Currently enrolled in a DNP program at Thomas Edison State University. I have held leadership positions in nursing in a variety of adult and pediatric emergency and critical care arenas. Well versed in regulatory survey preparation, performance improvement, and managing successful teams. Ability to manage several large-scale projects from development to implementation. Successfully implemented projects that focused on throughput metric reduction and quality improvement metrics that have resulted in improved patient outcomes. Mentored several teams creating environments where employees were personally successful in achieving advanced degrees and national certifications. A change agent who can adapt to the changing arena of health care. Successful in working with teams, both professional and non-professional, in implementing health care initiatives to improve patient care outcomes. I have a clinical background in pediatric emergency nursing and have attended the NJ ENA conferences for a good portion of my nursing career. I became a Lantern Award reviewer 2017 and was exposed to the ENA on a national level. Become involved at a local and state level in the ENAwas a personal goal. I have an interest in improving pediatric practice in emergency departments and becoming involved in some type of health advocacy for children. As a member of the NJ Board of Directors, I hope to have the ability to impact healthcare issues and nursing practice issues at the state and perhaps the national level.
Jonathan Green
My health care career started over 20 years ago as an EMT and later as a Paramedic for a commercial ambulance service in upstate NY. I transitioned into my nursing career and have since worked as an ED nurse, critical care nurse, flight nurse, and ED nurse practitioner. Along the way I gained leadership experience as an ED assistant nurse manager, SICU manager, ED and critical care director, and most recently moved into NJ as the executive director of the ED at University Hospital in Newark. I have been a member of the ENA since my first year as an RN. I value the education, the networking, and the support the ENA provides for emergency nurses across the country. As an emergency nurse, I think it is important to be a part of the ENA community and to support the mission of the organization. I am currently serving a two year term on the ENA ED Operations Committee and I was active in NY with the Lower Hudson Valley Chapter and served as chapter president for 2 years before relocating to New Jersey. I look forward to contributing to the NJENA as an active member and respectfully submit my name for consideration for the position of Secretary.